Build Better Relationships Through Better Conversations.


Build Better Relationships Through Better Conversations.

About Five Conversations for Healthy Relationships

Do you find life struggles make it difficult to connect with people closest to you? Are you having trouble talking with relatives and friends? These Five Conversations revive and grow meaningful relationships, using Biblical stories as examples. Whatever the situation, conversations around these subjects will help you to restore what once seemed hopeless: What’s good; What could be; What’s hurt them; What’s hurt me; Where our hope is.

Build Community

Relationship building is the key outcome in Five Conversations. We’ll show you how to create small groups to share experiences, talk through challenges and bring out the best results for all involved.

Free, Easy Access To All

As a registered user, you’ll have free access to all digital and print resources, including instructional sessions and host videos. Materials are accessible on all devices and can be downloaded for convenience.

30+ Years of Experience

One Another Project is built from over 30 years of mission-driven experience. Countless churches and individuals around the globe have participated and provided insight to refine these five simple but powerful conversations.

Proven Results

Participants learn how to use new tools to increase the confidence and desire to restore their broken relationships and retain them in a greatly improved state. In fact, participants see an average improvement of 66% in the quality of their key relationships.

Why This Is Important

Isolation can mean defeat. Yet in our toughest times, it’s often our first response. To bring peace to relationships that have gone dark, progress may mean doing something that could be uncomfortable. Starting or joining a small group, It can be intimidating. However, it’s an incredible way to create great change. You will have others share with you the value who you are, not just the things you’ve told yourself. You can give to others by sharing your insights, and giving is one of the best ways to experience breakthroughs. Small Groups make a huge impact.

Isolation can mean defeat. Yet in our toughest times, it's often our first response. To bring peace to relationships that have gone dark, progress may mean doing something that could be uncomfortable. Starting or joining a small group, It can be intimidating. However, it's an incredible way to create great change. You will have others share with you the value who you are, not just the things you've told yourself. You can give to others by sharing your insights, and giving is one of the best ways to experience breakthroughs. Small Groups make a huge impact.
  • Five Conversations: an overview

  • As a participant

  • As a group host

  • As your group’s coordinator


  • "Unmet expectations and disappointment had led us to shutting each other out. After Five Conversations, we've reconciled and it’s beautiful".

    Christie S
  • "The Five Conversations material helped me to see that I am not alone in this struggle and there are simple techniques that can be used and help to get to deep conversations".

    Tanya K

Uncover Real Conversations Today

Relationships really matter, and the important ones can be the difference between peaceful or conflicted lives. Our programs are built on Christian principles, but regardless of faith, those who want to repair or build enduring, hopeful relationships will benefit and are encouraged to join the Conversation.

 This revolutionary program was made possible at no charge through pilot funding provided by Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio and generous donations from individuals and other organizations.

Copyright Christian Unity Ministries 2021. All Rights Reserved.